The story divided reviewers, while the unresolved ending was criticized. Critics praised the gameplay-which they favorably compared to Devolver's Hotline Miami (2012)-and the visuals, writing, and music. It sold 500,000 copies in less than a year and received positive reviews.
Katana Zero was published by Devolver Digital for macOS, Nintendo Switch, and Windows on April 18, 2019. The development was prolonged and Stander worked mostly alone, although he recruited artists to design the visuals as well as musicians Bill Kiley and Thijs "LudoWic" Lodewijk to compose the synthwave soundtrack. He focused on attention to detail and looked to films such as Sin City (2005) and John Wick (2014) for story inspiration. Using GameMaker Studio 2, Stander sought to make a difficult story-driven game that did not force the player to wait through dialogue and cutscenes. He had previously developed freeware games, such as Tower of Heaven (2009), and conceived Katana Zero as his first commercial game. Stander began working on Katana Zero in 2013. In-between levels, the story is told in sequences where the player converses with non-player characters through dialogue trees. Katana Zero features side-scrolling hack-and-slash gameplay in which the player attempts to kill all enemies in a level without being hit, using Zero's abilities to manipulate time, dodge attacks, and take advantage of environmental hazards.

Zero unravels his past while completing assassination contracts. Set in a dystopian metropolis, the neo-noir storyline follows Subject Zero, a katana-wielding assassin with amnesia who can slow down time and predict the future.
There has since been another update in September 2022 showing off the first public gameplay footage of the DLC, still with no stated release date (aside from "later").The last official news on the expansion was in March of 2021, where askiisoft stated the scale of the expansion had grown significantly and was taking longer than expected. As of the start of 2022, there is still no sign of when it will be finished.

Development Hell: The DLC expansion was expected to be released within 2019.